Barcelona: LOR - Lisboa open room
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Original text
ARCHmedium, Barcelona
Since 2008, the world has been going through a tough financial crisis, which has subsequently translated into a
crisis of values. The big recession, which originated in the United States, has its origins in the real state bubble
burst and the resulting financial and mortgage problems.
crisis of values. The big recession, which originated in the United States, has its origins in the real state bubble
burst and the resulting financial and mortgage problems.
The competition departs from the socioeconomic context of southern Europe, more precisely from the delicate
situation in Portugal. The country is rich in culture, architecture and history but the cuts policies have reduced the
call to carry out public construction. It is even understood that despite unfavourable context, it has not been
permitted to produce good architecture for the people, as the great school of Portuguese architects has always
situation in Portugal. The country is rich in culture, architecture and history but the cuts policies have reduced the
call to carry out public construction. It is even understood that despite unfavourable context, it has not been
permitted to produce good architecture for the people, as the great school of Portuguese architects has always
We propose a unique piece of architecture, which is described as a large container of activities. Public
investment is reduced to public equipment and the expense is optimized by hosting as many events and
creating as many uses for the building as possible. It is a hall open to the citizens, activating the surrounding
public space and articulating good architecture with limited resources.
investment is reduced to public equipment and the expense is optimized by hosting as many events and
creating as many uses for the building as possible. It is a hall open to the citizens, activating the surrounding
public space and articulating good architecture with limited resources.
It’s a container that aims to react to the magazine-cover-like architecture that has been generated, instead
relating to the historical context of the place, the socioeconomic conditions and the moral sustainability of the
proposal. It is an architecture of values that seeks its referents in history, in vernacular architecture and in the
Portuguese masters.
relating to the historical context of the place, the socioeconomic conditions and the moral sustainability of the
proposal. It is an architecture of values that seeks its referents in history, in vernacular architecture and in the
Portuguese masters.
Offener Wettbewerb
Architekten, Studenten der Architektur
Ende der Bewerbungsfrist 15. 10. 2014
Abgabe Pläne 31. 10. 2014
Preisgerichtssitzung (vorauss.) 27. 11. 2014
€ 100,–
Gesamtpreissumme netto € 6.000,–