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Finnland-Helsinki: Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition


Nevyžadující regulérnost

Datum ukončení soutěže



Original text

Design contest notice
This contest is covered by: Directive 2004/18/EC

Section I: Contracting authority/entity

I.1) Name, addresses and contact point(s)
Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation
c/o Hannes Snellman Attorneys Ltd, Eteläesplanadi 20, P.O. Box 333
Contact point(s): Malcolm Reading Consultants
For the attention of: Jayne Broomhall
FI-00131 Helsinki
Telephone: +44 2078312998
E-mail: info@designguggenheimhelsinki.org
Fax: +44 2074047645
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority/entity:
Electronic access to information: http://designguggenheimhelsinki.org
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for
competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained
from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: To be confirmed
Contact point(s): Malcolm Reading Consultants
For the attention of: Jayne Broomhall
Telephone: +44 2078312998
E-mail: submissions@designguggenheimhelsinki.org
Fax: +44 2074047645
Internet address: http://www.designguggenheimhelsinki.org

I.2) Type of the contracting authority
Other: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation

1.3) Main activity
Recreation, culture and religion

1.4) Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities/entities
The contracting authority/entity is purchasing on behalf of other
contracting authorities/entities: no

Section II: Object of the design contest/description of the project

II.1) Description
II.1.1) Title attributed to the design contest/project by the contracting
Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition.
II.1.2) Short description:
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation is seeking a visionary design for a
proposed Guggenheim museum in the Finnish capital of Helsinki.
The proposed Guggenheim Helsinki will be an innovative, multidisciplinary
museum of art and design. It should be of the highest architectural
quality, creating a meaningful presence in Helsinki and offering civic
space where both residents and visitors can gather.
It is envisaged that the Guggenheim Helsinki would organize and present
internationally significant exhibitions of artworks from the 20th and 21st
centuries while also specializing in Nordic art and architecture.
For more information please visit www.designguggenheimhelsinki.org and
download the Stage One Competition Conditions.
II.1.3) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.2) Information about a particular profession
Participation is reserved to a particular profession: yes
In Stage One of the competition, the competitor at a minimum shall be a
person who has a professional degree in architecture or the right to
practice as an architect in the country where he/she is qualified or in
the country where he/she currently resides or practices.

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Type of contest

IV.3) Criteria to be applied in the evaluation of projects:
Stage one is an open call for participation based on a design submission,
which will be evaluated on five key criteria: cityscape, architecture,
usability, sustainability, and feasibility.
From the stage one entries, the Jury will select six proposals to advance
to stage two of the competition. These firms or individuals will be given
further detailed material and invited to a briefing day in Helsinki. They
will be asked to expand on their stage-one design and produce a masterplan
Please see the Stage One Competition Conditions document for more details.
The participants shall confirm their compliance with Sections 53 and 54 of
the Finnish Public Procurement Act.
The six second-stage participants will be required to demonstrate by means
of written records their compliance with the said provisions.
The participants shall confirm that they have familiarized themselves with
the City of Helsinki's Global Responsibility Strategy, including the City
of Helsinki's responsibility in the management of finances and prevention
of grey economy, and that they will honour the objectives and principles
therein. The City of Helsinki's Global Responsibility Strategy is
available in English at

IV.4) Administrative information
IV.4.2) Conditions for obtaining contractual documents and additional
Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing
documents: 10.9.2014 - 12:00
Payable documents: no
IV.4.3) Time-limit for receipt of projects or requests to participate
Date: 10.9.2014 - 12:00
IV.4.5) Language(s) in which projects or requests to participate may be
drawn up

IV.5) Rewards and jury
IV.5.1) Information about prize(s):
A prize/prizes will be awarded: yes
number and value of the prize(s) to be awarded: Winner at EUR 100 000
Five runner ups at EUR 55 000
IV.5.3) Follow-up contracts
Any service contract following the contest will be awarded to the winner
or one of the winners of the contest: yes
IV.5.4) Decision of the jury
The decision of the jury is binding on the contracting authority/entity:
IV.5.5) Names of the selected members of the jury
1. Please see www.designguggenheimhelsinki.org for full details on the

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1) Information about European Union funds
The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European
Union funds: no

VI.3) Procedures for appeal
VI.3.1) Body responsible for appeal procedures
The Market Court
Radanrakentajantie 5
FI-00520 Helsinki
E-mail: markkinaoikeus@oikeus.fi
Telephone: +358 295643300
Internet address: http://www.markkinaoikeus.fi/en/index.html
Fax: +358 295643314
VI.3.3) Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may
be obtained
The Market Court
Radanrakentajantie 5
FI-00520 Helsinki
E-mail: markkinaoikeus@oikeus.fi
Telephone: +358 295643300
Internet address: http://www.markkinaoikeus.fi/en/index.html
Fax: +358 295643314

VI.4) Date of dispatch of this notice: