Revitalizace Cluj-Napoca “Romulus Vuia” - Etnografický park – Hoia les
The Architects’ Chamber of Romania announces the launch of the International
Solutions Competition Revitalization of the Cluj-Napoca “Romulus Vuia”
Ethnographic Park Area – Hoia Forest.
The competition aims at identifying the best solution for revitalizing the “Romulus Vuia”
Ethnographic Park Area – Hoia Forest in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
The premise of the competition consists in the opportunity of extending the current Park,
in terms of capitalization on the territory and from a functional standpoint, as well. Thus, it
would be possible to develop new areas intended to assume novel, modern functions
related to the Open-Air Ethnographic Park, which performs the functions of a museum
(cultural heritage objects located within premises reproducing the rural landscape specific
to different areas, specific visiting hours, guided tours, restricted direct access to
protected preserved premises, etc.). The Museum Park will develop into a functional
complex, where cultural values will be complemented by learning values, direct
experimentation, recreational and leisure opportunities etc.