Konference doktorského studia: architektura a urbanismus
11. mezinárodní konference doktorského studia: Architektura a urbanismus: Nové směry výzkumu v nestálém světě
Datum konání: 9. 11. 2022
Pořadatel: Fakulta architektury VUT v Brně
Místo konání: on-line konference
Dear collegues,
we would like to invite you to the PhD students conference 11th ACAU 2022
11th Annual Conference on Architecture and Urbanism 2022:
New research directions in the volatile world
hosted on-line on November 9, 2022 by the Faculty of Architecture BUT, Porici 5, 639 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Participation in the conference is free of charge. The conference language is English. For the manuscripts that will be recommended by the reviewers for publication in the conference proceedings, the conference organizer will provide expert proofreading by a native speaker. The digital version of the proceedings will be sent to Clarivate for consideration for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Papers in the proceedings will be deposited in the dSpace digital repository, assigned a DOI and indexed in Google Scholar.
For updates and conference programme please visit: www.fa.vutbr.cz/conference/phd2022
for this year we have invited the following keynote speakers:
Dr. Begüm Ulusoy, Lincoln School of Design, UK
Dr. Edyta Łaszkiewicz, University of Lodz, Laboratory of Socio-ecological Systems Analysis, PL
In the discipline the discipline of Architecture, attention will be given to contemporary research themes that focus on new research directions in education, history, theory, sustainable development and technology.
In the discipline of Urban planning, attention will be given to current research topics that focus on new research directions in the areas of education, data in urban development, quality of life in urban space, variability and resilience of urban structures, history and transformation, growth, digital transformation and renewal.
Link to the online registration form for authors: https://forms.gle/uppj1RaxBtnTCpSe8
Registration opens: May 2, 2022
Registration deadline: September 1, 2022
Deadline for submissions: September 18, 2022
Closing of the peer review process: October 16, 2022
Modes of conference participation:
You are eligible to present at the conference if you:
1. Submit the full version of the contribution which was accepted in double-blind peer review process.
2. Submit the full version of the contribution which was NOT accepted in double-blind peer review process.
3. Submit only an abstract (only on special request – for further information please contact Organizing Committee).
Contact: Ing. arch. Kateřina Dokoupilová, Ph.D., tel. +420 54114 6742, e-mail: [email protected]
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Jiri Palacky, Associate Professor, M.Arch., Ph.D.
Vice–Dean for Science
Head of Department of Spatial Design
Faculty of Architecture