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Webinář "Let's talk circular architecture"

28. 3. 2023
10:00 - 12:00
Místo konání
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Webinář "Let's talk circular architecture"

We would like to kindly invite you to the webinar "Let's talk circular architecture" which will run on Tuesday 28 March from 10:00 - 12:00 CET. The webinar is co-organised by the University of Bologna and the Architects' Council of Europe in the framework of the EU-funded Drive 0 project.

In a nutshell, Drive 0 aims at speeding up the deep and circular renovation of buildings. A circular deep renovation, which contributes to a circular built environment, is based on 100% life cycle renewable energy, and all materials used within the system boundaries are part of infinite technical or biological cycles with the lowest quality loss possible. More info can be found here: https://www.drive0.eu/

Are you curious to learn how circular principles can revolutionise the architecture industry? Our webinar will explore how architects can incorporate these principles into their design process, acknowledging the Drive 0 Circular Business Models (CBMs) and implementing them in their professional practice.

>>> Further information and registration link can be found here.